Thank you for a fabulous 2023 🌟

To all the amazing students, graduates, and alumni from 92 countries, embracing 184 nationalities and speaking a whopping 168 languages – you’re all awesome for being a part of the Highered Community!

This year, we embarked on an exciting journey by making it more accessible to more students and moving to a new domain home: We also made changes to enhance your experience; we hope you liked them!

Almost 40,000 applications were recorded this year and we wish all applicants nothing but success!

We hope all thousands of attendees were able to create meaningful connections during the 30+ virtual events we organized, featuring 265 companies and organizations. Special mention to all the students from 22 new schools who joined our fairs.

We’ve been busy this year making it much easier for you to sign up, complete your profile by importing from LinkedIn or your CV, and connect directly with recruiters using chat. We hope that helped a bit and increased your chances of getting recruited!

We launched a new series with 7 career workshops in collaboration with selected EFMD schools as well as CV clinics with global companies such as L’Oréal and AXA IM. Thank you for participating and being very engaged audiences.

We’ve been placed in the latest Gartner Digital Markets’ report as Leaders for Job Board Software.

395 more awesome friends joined us on Instagram! 🎉 It might not seem like a lot, but with your support, we can connect and help even more students! 😊 If you haven’t followed us yet, join the fun!

Finally, we absolutely loved hearing your stories of challenges and success, just like Eduard’s from ESIC Business School! Knowing that our hard work is making a difference is truly rewarding. Keep those stories coming!
The year 2023 has been fantastic.
Cheers to all the talent, schools, and employers in the Highered community!
We wish you all the best in 2024!