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The Importance of Virtual Events to Launching your Career
Virtual events are becoming increasingly more popular. As we all spend more of our lives working/studying from home, virtual events have provided an essential way to network with people around the world, from the comfort of your workspace.
As you launch your successful career, virtual events have a huge part to play. There are many different types of events, attended by many different types of people… and this means that, when you do your research, you can find the right events to fit your needs.
So, are you looking to get hired by a world leading organization? Read on to find out how virtual events can help make that happen.
Interact with employers
It can often be challenging to ‘get your foot in the door’ of an organization. Fortunately, virtual events offer you the opportunity to speak directly with employers and show them all the incredible things you can offer and to learn more about them.
This opportunity presents itself when you attend virtual careers fairs, or job fairs. These are often attended by companies from around the world, and therefore enable you to find your dream employer, and speak with them one-to-one.
You can use these virtual conversations to:
- Build rapport with the employer
- Show off why you would be an asset to their company
- Find out more about open positions
- Practice your interviewing technique
- Learn more about global brands and their work culture
Virtual events enable you to do all of this, from the comfort of your home workspace. If you want to engage with employers directly, and secure yourself an interview, virtual events can make that happen.
Learn from the experts
Many virtual events feature ‘expert speakers’ who discuss a particular topic in-depth. If you find the right events, you can therefore learn from experts about crucial job-related skills. This could include any of (but not limited to) the following:
- How to ‘ace’ your interview
- Strategies for identifying the right job role
- How to research the industry you want to enter
- Networking tips
- Much, much more!
There is no limit to the topics experts speak about at virtual events. If you do your research, you will find the perfect event for you… and will learn invaluable skills to set you ahead of your peers as a result.
Take part in training sessions
You can use virtual events to not only learn about the theory of improving your skills… but to actually put it into practice.
Many virtual events take the form of training sessions, when you can practice new skills and understand how to apply them in the workplace. If you attend these types of virtual events regularly, it will have significant benefits for you, including:
- Boosting your confidence
- Enabling you to practice new skills
- Understanding how new skills can be applied in real-life
- Getting one step ahead of other applicants
By attending these virtual training sessions, you also prove your commitment to improving your employability. For example, if your CV is filled with evidence of lots of training sessions, while other applicants have not been to any, you will be more likely to secure a job.
Attend virtual events with Highered
Now that you understand the importance of virtual events, the next question is… where can you find them?
Highered runs several virtual events each month, and therefore provides you with the perfect opportunity to access all the benefits listed above.
Employers from previous Highered virtual company events include some of the world’s most recognizable brands, including:
- AB InBev
- Allianz
- L’oreal
- Coca Cola
- Puma
- Vodafone
So, what are you waiting for?
Click here to view our upcoming virtual events.
Attend the next EFMD Global Fairs powered by Highered
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and to mark your calendar for the next Global Fairs. Registration information will be available on your GetHighered page closer to the event.
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