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After 5 exciting and, quite frankly, very busy days at Highered’s EFMD Global Virtual Fairs, you have probably already accessed your report in TalentPanel (if not, you can find out how to do it here). Now, you might be wondering: what might have affected my results? How should I interpret them? Or, generally, how to boost my visibility among talent?

Well, we wouldn’t like to leave you hanging, would we? Follow my lead, and keep scrolling!

In the following section, you’ll find some tips and tricks from our Campus Rockstars. If you haven’t attended the fair, don’t worry – you can apply these ideas to your virtual campus recruitment events and get inspired to reach new talent. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy them as much as we did!

#1 I had loads of visitors, but very few chats.

You might find our answer quite puzzling at this point, but hey, that’s actually very good news! Here’s what Natalia has to say about this:




“From my own experience, I can tell that visitors won’t ask you any questions on a chat if they are able to find the answers within your booth!”


Taking extra care of your booth is always a good idea. The more information you provide, the less the visitors need to ask additional questions. 

However, what if both visitor and chat numbers are a bit unsatisfactory? 

#2 How can I improve my visitor and chat statistics?

There are a couple of ways to improve your visibility. First of all, don’t be shy and post your job ads. Let’s see what our Campus Pros have to say about this:

“The more content you add to your booth, the more attractive it is for talent! Post the available job positions. Even if you don’t have any openings at the moment, I suggest you add a job description with the information when your positions will be live. Instead of a link to the job ad, you can redirect talent to your Career page where they can find relevant information”


Secondly, make sure to inform the talent when you’re going to be available for a chat during the Fairs. Since we gather schools from all over the world, talent need to know when to log in, in order to reach you.

Finally, your positions might have very specific requirements and therefore, only a certain number of candidates will contact you.

#3 How can we help you in boosting your visibility?

Besides organizing Global Virtual Fairs, our main goal is to help companies to become more visible to talent and attract the most suitable candidates. Therefore, every time when you log in to TalentPanel or attend our fairs and events, you become more familiar to the users, while keeping them on their toes with new positions or updates from your company.

#4 Host your own Custom Virtual Event

Host your own virtual event with Highered! Your event can be open to anyone or dedicated to specific target groups. Spending only a couple of hours with your future super-talent is not enough? Well, we wouldn’t dare to ask you to simmer down your recruitment needs! Your virtual event can last for as long as 2 days. Our offer includes marketing support from Highered, integrated reporting, live support and a single point of contact per event.

“Virtual events are a great way to spread the word about your workplace to a large pool of top talent at once. It is cost-effective and quick. Online career events are a unique opportunity to advertise your brand, improve public relations, and attract young talent to view you not only as some company they have heard about but the company they want to join”

Globally recognized companies such as AB InBev, Schneider Electric and IOM already have trusted us with their Virtual Events. Not convinced yet? Well, during their 2-day event, AB InBev gathered almost 550 talent!

Yet, for many companies events are not enough – let me show you other tricks our platform is capable of doing. Trust me, you won’t regret scrolling a little bit more.

#5 I want to reach out to talent quickly and effectively!

All the best love stories start with a perfect match… oh wait, maybe that’s not always the case, but how about this: all the best Talent Acquisition stories start with a perfect match? Yeah, that’s better! 

But how do I start? Where can I find the tools I need? More importantly, where do I find the best of the best? Do I even have enough time? Or resources? I mean, this sounds lovely but way too complicated. 

Nonsense! Let us lead the way and handle all of your concerns. Visibility definitely won’t be one of them.

“With Highered you can promote your positions or programs through email campaigns to a selection of more than 290,000 verified talent profiles. At once, 50.000 recipients will simultaneously get an email with everything you have to offer. Perhaps you’re looking for talent only in a specific area? Sure thing, let us contact 1.000 talents from a country of your choice and just wait for some Talent Acquisition magic to happen”

Not a bad way to gain some attention, huh?

#6 It sounds great but I still have some questions. 

Not a problem! We have been out there for quite some time already, to understand that every company is different and every team has its own ways. Our campus rockstars are always up for a quick chat or even a short coffee break to hear you out and prepare a plan that would help you excel. You know what they say – time flies, so why not spare some and make us work for you?

Just hit us up and let’s make some magic happen.

Apply this tips at the upcoming EFMD Global Fairs (5-7 April 2022).
Early bird offer: FREE Company booth until 14th February.