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On April 20, two of our superstar Highered team members, Amber Wigmore-Alvarez CIO of Highered and Kendall Brown, Marketing Manager of Highered, flew to VISA Innovation Center in London for an onsite filming of Masterclass No. 5 – Pitching Your Profile.

Greeting them was Alexa Bailey, International Executive Talent Acquisition Lead at Visa, who lent her expert advice on how to create your profile, how to select the right professionals to engage with, and finally, how to properly present yourself in front of key recruitment professionals.

View the highlights of the informative session here:

EFMD Talent can log in to their platform to view the full episode and watch earlier episodes.

Highered is the strategic partner of EFMD, providing digital career service to over 500 schools globally to complement campus career service initiatives. To know more about Highered, reach out to or visit us at