Highered EFMD Global Career Services continues to offer an additional EFMD full member benefit, providing a platform designed to support existing EFMD school career service initiatives with international job placement opportunities.
In June, to further support and understand the global student perspective, Highered recently conducted a survey where students responded globally to questions regarding their job search. The survey results allow us to evaluate the types of positions, companies, and sectors that are most attractive to EFMD students providing relevant work opportunities, complementing individual school career services and strengthening company global recruitment strategies.
Students from 60 different nationalities, representing 400 EFMD schools, completed the survey.
According to the student survey, the findings indicated that 90% of the students would like to be notified about new job opportunities through email and 66% stated they would like this on a weekly basis. Established also, was that 60% of students look for jobs all year round. This shows the importance for companies to consider open applications and be aware of country ‘application seasons’ in recruitment marketing strategies.
65% of the students seek work opportunities both in their current country of study and outside of it.
Most interesting was how students prioritize their job search
With 45% indicating that they search Field of Study first followed by Sector, Company, and Country. This shows the importance of selecting a job title that is attractive and relevant. After just one year of Highered being active at schools, 63% of students stated they now used Highered as a resource to job search.
Sectors of interest to students
Just within the first year, there were more than 10,000 relevant positions posted from EFMD company members to the Highered Global Career Service Platform. Highered is focused on strengthening and expanding company partnerships in all sectors, including the top 4 areas that students indicated were of most interest to them: Consulting, Financial Services/Banking, Consumer goods and Technology/Telecom.
Nation-specific trends in China, for example
With further analysis, China represented the main international student origin in the UK, USA, Canada, Japan, France, and Germany. 87% of Chinese students surveyed were studying abroad and showed significantly greater interest in the Consulting and Financial services/Banking sectors compared to the rest of the world. Note, that in this survey Chinese origin also includes Taiwanese and Hongkongers.
EFMD students bring…
…diversity, innovation, academic excellence, and a drive to make the most of an opportunity. Learn more about how to activate the Highered Global Career Service at your school, or if you are a company, by contacting us at highered@efmdglobal.org