The Highered Global Talent Ecosystem impressed the world’s top Deans and Directors General
The 2020 EFMD Conference for Deans & Directors General took place at SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Italy on 13-14 February. Under the theme of “Managing Impact”, nearly 430 deans reflected on and discussed how business education could address the challenges of today and tomorrow. Bernt Blankholm, CEO of Highered, and Amber Wigmore Alvarez, PhD, Chief Innovation Officer of Highered, brought fresh insights on the impact of talent management based on the global student and alumni engagement and placement services that Highered provides.
As a unique solution available exclusively to 600+ EFMD member schools, Highered presented the latest updates on Day One of the Conference. “The last 12 months at Highered have been extremely exciting,” stated Bernt Blankholm, “we have gone from a platform delivering opportunities to students to a full Career Management System with over 50,000 opportunities posted this year for international companies like Google, Apple, and J.P. Morgan.”

Answering the call for more digitalized tools informing data-driven decisions and enhancing talent employability, Highered launched the brand new full-service solution to address the pain points of school Career Services in November 2019. The Talent Panel functions as the administrative dashboard for all Career department activities, including posting unique positions, reviewing talent analytics, scheduling appointments and events, uploading career resources and additional customized services. A growing number of schools are actively migrating to Highered, the EFMD initiative, as their sole Career Management System. Positive feedback has been received from dozens of schools since the launch, including Amsterdam School of International Business, KEDGE Business School, National University of Singapore, Nottingham Trent University, and Hult International Business School. Penny Harrison, Senior Lecturer at Rennes School of Business, stated that they “look forward to collaborating more with Highered… they made us feel ‘welcome’ and ‘important’…The platform appears really amazing… and we think we can do great things with it”.

The world of talent placement is evolving. Aimed at building a better future for students and talent all over the world, Highered has invested significantly in new technologies and continues to improve the user experience agilely. The new strategic movement after the 2020 Conference would be to introduce Highered to other University faculties leveraging the established cooperation with 600+ Business Schools. As a service designed exclusively with and for the talent, the school career services, and the HR professionals, Highered is taking firm steps towards its vision “to build a world where every student and alum can fulfill their dreams and make a truly global impact”.