To put it simply, EQUIS is a school accreditation process.
However, for those top 1% of business schools that succeed in such a process, they know that it is much more complex than the simple description suggests. In fact, it is a complete quality improvement system that is meant to hold management and business schools to a golden standard– ensuring quality education across Europe and the greater globe.
Developed by the European Foundation for Management Development in 1997, EQUIS accreditation is an international quality benchmark and improvement process created to give business schools worldwide a rigorous tool to assess, certify and improve their quality in 10 key areas, including governance, education programs, students, faculty, research, internationalization, ethics, responsibility, and sustainability as well as corporate engagement.
The EQUIS process is based upon a conceptual framework of quality criteria which are reviewed continuously by an international committee of EFMD members. Institutions accredited by EQUIS must demonstrate not only high overall quality but also a strong commitment to internationalization and involvement with corporate stakeholders.
As companies recruit worldwide and students look for education programs abroad, schools are building alliances across borders and continents. EQUIS provides a way to identify those institutions in other countries that deliver high-quality education in international management.
In February 2017, EFMD celebrated EQUIS 20th anniversary. Hear from Gordon Shenton, the former Quality Services Director how EQUIS began and how it has evolved since its development.
EFMD partners with Highered, in order to support schools in their mission of maintaining and improving internationalization and corporate participation. Highered is a global online platform that hosts both corporates and EFMD school talent from around the world, creating global cooperation in management development education and practice.
To read more about EQUIS, visit EFMD’s overview here, or visit this article celebrating the 20th anniversary of its establishment here.
Highered is the strategic partner of EFMD, providing digital career service to over 500 schools globally to complement campus career service initiatives. To know more about Highered, reach out to or visit us at