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Highered – EFMD Global Career Services Platform is used by the top 5% management and business schools worldwide. We post positions seamlessly onto Highered which is redistributed to every unique school platform. The Highered platform is distributed to 488 schools around the globe accessible for students in a trusted school environment.
Highered opens a whole new channel for talent acquisition and employer branding giving the continuous presence of your brand & recruitment marketing content at the top 5% business schools worldwide.
Network characteristics
- Top Accredited institutions part of the EFMD Network.
- 488 schools whereof 178 representing the top 1% business schools.
- 100% of the Financial Times Top 50 management Schools in Europe
- The platform is brought to students through local career services at each school.
- We cooperate with all career services directly and can offer local support through our student captains and local career service employees.
- Highered Student Analytics Platform,
- See where students engage with your content.
- Benchmark your data to up your game and measure ROI for data-driven decisions.
- Annual plans based on recruitment volume
- 30 day free trials available
*Post positions seamlessly direct onto Highered through your Broadbean account. If you are a Broadbean user please contact your local account manager for more information.